In the Middle of Fashion Week, Gucci Traveled to Detroit for a Gucci Changemakers Celebration



September 13, 2022

Photo Credit: Zack Whitford/

This article commemorates the contributions Gucci has made to the global fashion industry. For instance, in 2017, Gucci assisted Dapper Dan’s studio by reviving it from its 25-year long inactivity. In 2018, Gucci donated $500,000 to March for Our Lives to advocate for gun control. In 2019, the company created its own scholarship to support grass-root organizations called Gucci Changemakers North America. Gucci focused its attention on Detroit — hence, they participated in the festivals during Detroit Month of Design. Later parts of the article talks about how Gucci continues to contribute to other areas of the world beyond fashion.

‘The industry, corporations, and the world are changing. This is all happening right on time. I loved that it’s happened and I love the joy that Gucci gets out of it.’
— Bethann Hardison

Read full article here
